Saturday, October 25, 2014

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor Review

Tolkein's fantasy realm matures in this graphic, gore-filled game which challenges lore.

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor is simply a very good, well polished game. It accomplishes everything it attempts to do well, which isn't very difficult when it copies the majority of its gameplay elements from other games. It takes its parkour inspired free-climbing elements from the well known Assassins Creed franchise. It takes its combat from the renowned Batman Arkham games. The lack of originality would normally hurt a game, but it uses these elements and has perfected them beyond even what the original games were able to do. The combat is gruesome and fierce and perfectly encapsulates what it means to be a hero in Tolkein's landscape.
The story is fairly predictable, and does not follow to Tolein's cannon at all, but it plays a backseat role to the setting. Mordor has a very alive feel to it. Uruks wander around minding their own business, Orcs talk with eachother about the weather in the dark lord's kingdom. It all adds to the immersion.
Sadly everything cant always be sunshine and rainbows in Mordor as the characters are often times very bland. Many of them are just stock characters with little depth or originality. Overall the game is very good, the predictability is a negative, but it doesn't take away from all the other positives of the game.


+Beautiful Graphics
-Shits on Tolkein’s Cannon
+Great Environment and Setting
-Lack of Originality
+Polished Gameplay Mechanics
Uninteresting Characters

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