Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tropico 4 Review

Somewhere between stereotypes and insensitivity Tropico 4 delivers a very fun experience. 
Having played the Tropico series since the release of the first one, their comedic satire has never surprised me nor bothered me. However, it is important to acknowledge that some of my friends have claimed this game pokes fun at serious world events. That said, the game is an enjoyable experience that I have never had any problem with. The game hhumorouslyportrays Cold War era Cuba... I mean Tropico, and the player takes the role of the Cuba... I mean Tropico's Dictator, "El Presidente". The goal of the game is to bring success to Tropico whether by industrializing the island nation, or by trading with powerful countries like Capitalist America or Communist Russia.
Playing the role of "El Presidente" the player can set propaganda on the public by use of different news mediums. He can also choose to execute political prisoners, grow cash crops such as tobacco, and even schedule a visit from the pope himself. During the reign "El Presidente" different political factions will encourage you to do things for them. The "Tropico for the Tropicans" may encourage you to kick all immigrants out, or ban foreigners from accessing healthcare or public education. The eenvironmentalistsmay encourage "El Presidente" to go green, and the religious faction will push for building of more churches.
Of course is always important to keep the factions content, however its impossible to please one faction without stepping on the toes, of another. That's where your military might comes in. When one or more of the factions decides to plan a coup its important that you have enough support from your military to silence the opposition.
Tropico 4 is a lot of fun, its hilarious with all its references and allusions to real world events. I want to give this game a better rating however its blatantly obvious that Tropico 4 is almost an exact copy of Tropico 3. There was not much innovation or new creative things, It felt recycled, still fun, but recycled. Because its eerily similar to its predecessors I have to give it a 3/5 stars.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monument Valley Review

Monument Valley changes the game for apps.
Normally I wouldn't dedicate a review for a mobile app, however due to the fact that this app is incredibly engaging and stunning I thought it would be appropriate to review it as a full fledged game. Playing through Monument Valley one quickly realizes that this is unlike any other app. It is as complex and challenging as it is stunning. Combining striking visuals and complex puzzles Monument Valley aims to be better than any other mobile game app. The puzzles aim to challenge the player to think, and the artwork aims to challenge the player to feel while they're playing.
The levels are based on an artist names Escher whose minimalist style is clearly reflected in the game. While the game does succeed in nearly every category, the length is a bit disappointing. While it is only a few dollars, I worked through the ten brief levels in a matter of a few hours. I feel like I have to say though that despite its brevity, I have never had more fun with a mobile app. Therefore Monument Valley earns a 5/5 and is a must buy for anyone with a smart phone 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Civilization 5 Review

Sid Meier's Civilization 5, the turn based 4X strategy game to end all turn based 4X strategy games. 
In my extensive time playing Sid Meier's Civ 5, I founded a city, discovered how animals breed, built the Taj Mahal, and sent the first rocket ship to Alpha Centauri in hopes of colonizing life on a foreign planet, all while playing as Pachacuti of the Incan's. Needless to say history was rewritten as my hordes of long swordsmen and cannons bombarded Madrid with violent intent. The possibilities are endless as you begin the game with a mere settler and one group of club wielding warriors. As you settle on some fertile soil, you notice your population grow and culture expand, allowing for new sciences to be researched in hopes of gaining an advantage over your barbarian neighbors.
The ancient era flies by as you discover writing and philosophy, leading into future eras which hold many possibilities including diplomatic treaties, political trash talking, or even the danger of war. For those unfamiliar with the franchise Civilization, better known as Civ is a 4X turn based strategy game with a focus on historical figures, economic strife, and political ideologies. 4X is a genre of games which focus on exploration, expansion,exploitation, and extermination. Having played every installment in the series since Civ 2, I can say that Civ 5 and its expansions are obviously the most technologically advanced game in the series, boasting an ungodly amount leaders, resources, city-states, and units. It is remarkable how much content has been poured into this installment, yet it never feels overwhelming to a veteran of the franchise. The addition of more content has also come with a streamlining of most of the pre-existing content.
Where previously it was required to set taxation levels, and scientific production levels, now the series has taken away the cluttering charts and graphs present in old installments. Instead it has replaced those with meaningful choices present in the game including social policies. With social policies a civ can become a scientific powerhouse, an economic gold mine, or a cultural epicenter. It has taken all the fluff which made the game feel like work, and replaced it with unique and enjoyable policies.
I could go on and on about the details of the game, all the improvements and expansions, but its easier to just say that I highly recommend this game. It is a genre that is a bit polarizing, but i think its safe to say that it is the highest quality example of what that genre has to offer. Sid Meier's Civilization 5 earns 5 stars our of 5.

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